Tips for Making Your Website Look Good on Mobile


You probably have a fantastically designed website, but it might look terrible when compressed to a smaller screen. You don't want customers to have to use their finger to manually scroll left and right to read all of the words that you have on a page. You also want to make sure that all of your menus are still working and that they take advantage of the mobile technology to which they are attached. Here are some tips for making your website look good on mobile.

1. Use a Compressed Menu

Have a button or a toolbar that hovers at the top of the screen as customers scroll down the page. This toolbar should have a search bar if your site is searchable, as well as a menu button. This menu button should cause the actual menu to pop onto the screen. This is good if you have a large menu and don't want the screen to be constantly cluttered with all of the different options, which can make the site hard to use on mobile. 

Also make sure that you are using a symbol that is commonly associated with menus. For example, on a phone that is running the Android operating system, the button for a menu is three horizontal lines that are lined up vertically. This is a symbol that the vast majority of people recognize. Don't be quirky and use your own symbol because this is going to make your site a lot harder to use.

2. Simplify Your Design

If the browser detects that the user is mobile device, it can tell your website that it is about to be displayed on mobile. Consider simplifying your design for the mobile site. It's a smaller screen, so a cluttered design is not going to look as good and will instead be relatively overwhelming. By simplifying your design, you can also decrease the number of art assets and other items that need to load, which will reduce the amount of time that your page takes to load overall. This will help encourage people to actually use your site because they won't have to wait for it to load for too long. If your page takes too long to load, most people will navigate away from it.

For more information, talk to a companies like Evolve Business Solutions that specialize in responsive website design. They will be able to help you create a website that will automatically scale down so that it looks good on mobile.


29 March 2017

Making Your Business Pop Online

Have you ever stopped to really think about how visible your business is online? Although you might assume that loyal customers will post about your company on social media and rave about new and improved products, you never really know how your business is looking on the web. However, you might be able to increase traffic to your business and improve your image by hiring a company to help with online marketing. In addition to perfecting social media pages and focusing on directing people to excellent pages, online optimization companies can also boost your search rankings to improve visibility so that people know where to find you.